Support-A-Cause is a page dedicated to our members. We have many non-profit and charitable organizations that participate in our recycling program to raise funds for a good cause. Below are a few of these organizations that need your support. All they are asking for are your empty printer cartridges. Find an organization you would like to help and enroll as a supporter. It will not cost you to help them! Everything will be provided at no cost to you. We will send you the supplies and we will pay for the shipping. So enroll today to Support-A-Cause!
Simply click on an organization name from the list below, and once in their support page, click the green "Support This Cause," button. Fill in the blanks with your information, and send us the email, that's it.
Worried about giving away your information? Please know that we do NOT release or sell your information to outside sources. Your information will only be used as it was intended for - for recycling.